Many of us have developed a smartphone addiction, and it isn’t necessarily our fault. The epitome of a ‘first world problem’ perhaps, but a serious one all the same. Technology is pervasive in that it has infiltrated every aspect of our lives, becoming a technological umbilical cord, an essential link between us and the digital…Read More
2 Simple Hacks to Solve Inbox Stress & Email Anxiety
Who would have thought that email anxiety would become a real problem in the digital age. Well it has, and the majority of us are suffering in one way or another. A few years ago I wrote a post about mindful email practice. And it’s no surprise that since writing that post – way back…Read More
40 Life Lessons I’ve Learned on My Winding Road, So Far…
This ‘life lessons’ post actually came about courtesy of a friend. He said: “There’s a ton of these kind of posts online, so why don’t you do one”? So, it isn’t the most original concept, but no doubt there’s something in here that will inspire someone, somewhere. I wanted to make it 40 lessons learned because…Read More
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course Review
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, or MBSR as it is commonly known, is a type of mindfulness training that has far-reaching benefits on mind and body. MBSR is beneficial to anyone who wants to learn how to better cope with a fast-paced, stressful, unforgiving world. Through the objective watching of emotions, it helps us make better judgements…Read More
Why Learning to Cope with Stress Is a Bad Idea
How stressed out are you? Do you tell people when you feel like stress is wearing you down? Or does that feel like an admittance of failure? No one wants to admit they can’t cope, so instead we are being taught to cope rather than have to complain or make a change. It’s like we’ve…Read More
One Simple Trick to Beat Sleep Anxiety & Fall Asleep Fast
No matter how tired you are, sleep anxiety can prevent you from falling asleep and getting the valuable shut-eye you need to be happy and full of beans in the morning. The more your mind races the more restless and agitated you feel, as the monkey mind spins thought trail after trail of random worries,…Read More
5 Ways Sitting at Work is Ruining Your Health [& How to Break the Routine]
I am going to be frank with you: At some point in the future, you will die. And unless my funding comes through for implanting my brain into a giant robot body, so will I. Personally I’d like to hold off that day for as long as possible, but at times it seems like everything is trying…Read More
Why You Should Take the Day off Work & Not Feel Guilty About It
Man, I just can’t get motivated to do any work today. I don’t know What it is, I’m just not feeling it at all. Any tips? Take the day off. Do something you love and come back tomorrow feeling refreshed and productive. Outrageous, huh? Telling someone to take the day off work just because they feel…Read More
10 Easy Ways to Snap Out of a Bad Mood & Find Instant Mental Peace
A bad mood can be a pretty difficult thing to shake off. Oftentimes we have no idea how we ended up in such a miserable pickle, and how to snap out of it. Bad moods have a horrible habit of lingering around, making us feel uneasy, stressed, cynical and angry at the world. Sometimes a…Read More
How Self-Help Prevents You Finding True Happiness [& What to do About It]
The self-help world can be a deceptive and contradictory landscape, one that purposely pulls your mind from pillar to post, promising that the next method will be better than the last, and deceiving you into believing that your lack of progress is due to not “manifesting” or “visualising” enough. The rinse and repeat approach to…Read More