This is a wonderful poem by Charles Bukowski. It’s about remaining fluid, creative, independent and present in life. I’ll give you my thoughts below the poem, but first I’ll let you read through and establish your own without my influence. No Leaders Please invent yourself and then reinvent yourself, don’t swim in the same slough.…Read More
How to Change the World In Just 1 Second
You know that moment when you have an urge to show some love; when you’re consumed by feelings of kindness, compassion and empathy and want to do something selfless. We all feel it occasionally. It swells from somewhere deep inside and compels us to reach out and take positive action for the greater good. There doesn’t have…Read More
Time is an Indiscriminate Thief
Based on a recent experience at a train station, I sent the following to my email list and had some lovely emails back. And so I thought I’d share it here for those not subscribed to my list. As the train pulls into the station everyone prepares for the doors to open. The dash…Read More
The Actor
Who is the actor playing this role Who is the person walking this path Who is the person in my presence Who is the person in my past Whose expectations will I fulfil Whose opinions will I believe Whose footsteps shall I follow Whose words shall I refuse Whose arms should I embrace…Read More
A Poem by a Taoist Priest
Just recently I stumbled upon this beautiful poem in the Tao Of Jeet Kun Doe, by Bruce Lee. The book has some delightful zen teachings and spiritual musings amidst the martial arts instruction. The author is cited simply as A Taoist Priest, and has no title. I don’t want to say too much – because as…Read More
Pablo Neruda – Keeping Quiet
I recently came across the most beautiful poem by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. I was having a fairly stressful day, with work getting on top. As I entered the train, listening to a selection of poems on my iPod, this came on and blew me away. It really is life changing. For me the poem is asking…Read More