Mindfulness is not a complicated therapy or practice that takes years to learn. It’s actually something that you can start with immediately and will greatly benefit your life. In this post I will explain how you can start today, with one simple mind hack that I call ‘the gap between the watcher and the mind’.…Read More
A Guide to Self-Concept: Meaning, Real-Life Examples, & How to Change Yours
Self-concept is a term commonly used in psychology. One’s self-concept is a collection of beliefs about oneself. These beliefs are constructed from experiences and the influences of environment and others. In this post I’ll walk through some real-life self-concept examples, so that you can understand how it applies to your life. The idea of self-concept…Read More
Reviewing the M Word Meditation Quest – with Emily Fletcher
What really interested me about Emily Fletcher was her backstory. Emily went from Broadway actress – Chicago, The Producers & A Chorus Line – to meditation teacher, swapping the glitz and the glamour for what one might say is more of a middle path. Of course like any transition there are a lot of details in…Read More
How the Law of Cause & Effect Controls Our Lives & What to Do About It
The law of cause and effect is a very simple principle: For every effect in your life there is a specific cause. Sometimes it is referred to as the ‘iron law of the universe’. The premise is that everything happens for a reason, that there are no accidents, that we live in an orderly universe…Read More
How Hypnosis Can Help You Access Mindfulness in Difficult Times
The concept of mindfulness is easy enough to understand. The idea is to focus your awareness on the present moment. You acknowledge and accept your thoughts and feelings as part of that presence without letting thoughts of the past, or anxieties over the future, dictate what is real and actually happening now. There’s no place…Read More
The Power of Awareness: Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield
The Power of Awareness course is a 7-week online mindfulness training course developed and presented by renowned mindfulness teachers Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield. The goal of the course is to help participants cultivate mental clarity, compassion and overall well-being in their lives. The training is centered around the power of the present moment, which…Read More
Focused Attention Vs. Open Awareness Meditation – What’s the Difference?
There are two main categories of meditation: focused attention and open awareness. In this post I’ll explain the difference between the two, and cover some other related types of meditation you might have come across. Focused Attention Meditation Focused attention meditation, also called concentrative meditation, is when your attention is focused on a single object.…Read More
22 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids
In a fast-paced and often confusing world, small minds are bombarded with emotions and feelings that are often difficult to make sense of. For this reason, studies show that children are increasingly suffering from stress, anxiety, and even depression. Practicing mindfulness can help kids learn to focus, manage stress, regulate emotions, and develop a positive…Read More
How to Meditate: The Easy Meditation Guide
Starting a meditation practice may be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make. But how exactly do you begin? What is meditation and what kind will be right for you? Perhaps you’ve heard that meditating has positive benefits, but what are they? What is Meditation? In the simplest terms, meditation is a practice where…Read More
Moving Life Advice from a Dying Woman
This post was originally written on Facebook by a beautiful young woman named Holly Butcher. She wrote it before she lost her battle with Ewing’s sarcoma, a rare form of cancer. Holly was 27-years-old when she passed away. Her last letter is a stark reminder of just how precious life is, how much we take for granted,…Read More